This problem is more common than you may think, and most of the causes are avoidable. The 3-primary cause of the discoloration are chlorine, saltwater, and sun exposure and you can prevent those 3. CAUSE #1. CHLORINE It’s no news that chlorine isn’t good for your hair. This is especially true for extensions because they […]
The infrared is ideal to combine with hair treatment like Hair Botox All of Europe has been using plates with infrared light for a long time. The Infrared iron has two plates like a regular flat iron. One of the plates do ultrasonic vibrations while the other one gives infrared radiation. The iron itself doesn’t […]
Why Felps Professional products? It’s a question that we hear every day. The answer is SIMPLE! Try our products and you will see by yourself! FELPS PROFESSIONAL products are: Certified 0% FORMOL BIO formula 9 hair botox formula and 2 nanoplastia formula. No odor, no smoke Economic consumption Not tested on animals Thermal protection Yellow […]
Only Felps has 9 hair botox formulas to choose from (6 express hair botox + 3 classic). As a technician, it gives you a better personalized client’s approach. The express hair botox has similar advantages as regular hair botox, however, the effect of the express hair botox goes away in less time than the regular […]
Today, it exists a lot of hair straightening treatments, but some of them ruin your hair even more. In fact, some straightening treatment contain chemical ingredient like formol. However, the nanoplastia by Felps does not contain this chemical ingredient, so it will not ruin your hair after the treatment. That’s why nanoplastia is one of […]
A lot of difference exist between the hair botox treatment and the nanoplastia. The best for you will be the one with the effect that you’re looking for. For example, if you have dry and damaged hair, it would be better to treat it before putting anything else in your hair. In that case the […]
A lot of treatment for the hair exist on the market. How to choose THE best? Most of them act only on the superior part of the hair (cuticle) and not on the inside part (cortex). The hair botox treatment is the procedure who is the most helpful for the restoration of the hair going […]