A lot of difference exist between the hair botox treatment and the nanoplastia. The best for you will be the one with the effect that you’re looking for.
For example, if you have dry and damaged hair, it would be better to treat it before putting anything else in your hair. In that case the hair botox treatment will help you.
If you want to have straight hair without damaging them even more, the nanoplastia will be the choice. It all depends on the result you want.
The hair botox will heal your hair and even encourage them to grow! The nanoplastia will straighten your hair and take care of them at the same time.
How long does nanolplastia last in the hair? How often would I have to redo this?
Nanoplastia last 4-6 months.
What’s the difference between Omega Zero and Omega Zero black?
can you put tape extensions de same day?
Omega Blue is a light formula for thin & blond hair.
Omega Black for thick & really curly hair.
Hello, could you please tell what’s the difference between nanoplastia and bixyplastia. I’ve heard that the two are just different names for a keratin treatment,is it true?
Yes both are keratin, just different name.
Hello, I have 2 questions:
1) Can the hair Botox be used on hair that is already treated with nanoplastia??
2) If yes, is there a wait period in between treatment?
1 – yes in a month